The potential of drones in archeology

Reflections on opportunities and risks




drone, UAV, archeology, remote sensing, excavation


Drones, in combination with applications such as digital cameras, can make valuable contributions to the documentation of archeological excavations and to low-level remote sensing. Due to their efficiency and speed of data acquisition, their ability to explore difficult terrain, and their low purchase price, drones have the potential to disruptively change archeology towards a minimally invasive top-down approach. At the same time, in addition to various unclear framework factors, there is the risk that drones may become a threat to the archaeological heritage.


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How to Cite

Crueger J. The potential of drones in archeology: Reflections on opportunities and risks. TATuP [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 11 [cited 2024 Apr. 25];27(3):27-31. Available from: