Technology assessment for the society of singularities

New impulses from a cultural theory perspective using the example of open workshops




singularization, open workshops, cultural theory, TA concepts


Cultural scientist Andreas Reckwitz has recently diagnosed processes of singularization of society, in which the quality of being special not only applies en masse to human subjects, but also to places, events, collectives, and objects. The epistemic implications of these societal changes for technology assessment (TA) have hardly been addressed to date. Building upon the singular features of open workshops, we argue that TA needs to develop new concepts for assessing the societal impact of singularities, and suggest three key points that also apply to other singularization technologies, such as 3D printing: (1) perception of the special nature as being relevant, (2) representation of the culturalization of economy and society, and (3) adequate separation of systems from the culturalized super system.


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How to Cite

Erdmann L, Lange B. Technology assessment for the society of singularities: New impulses from a cultural theory perspective using the example of open workshops. TATuP [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 3 [cited 2024 Apr. 24];28(1):65-70. Available from: