PRO-VE'99: Conference features virtual enterprises Oporto, Portugal, 27 - 28 October 1999

Veranstaltungen: Seminare / Kongresse / Workshops

PRO-VE'99: Conference features virtual enterprises

Oporto, Portugal, 27 - 28 October 1999

Researchers involved in virtual enterprises (VEs) and other people within the industry are invited to attend the PRO-VE'99 conference in Oporto, Portugal, on 27 to 28 October 1999. This working conference will be held on the subject of "Infrastructures for industrial virtual enterprises". The development of open infrastructures to support VEs is attracting an increasing research effort word-wide. An extensive number of initiatives have been launched and some preliminary results are becoming available. In this context, there are two aims with PRO-VE'99: first, to increase the awareness of SMEs on this new paradigm; and, second, to compare experiences and approaches of different research projects.

The main topics of the conference will be:

A book on infrastructures for VE will be edited in time for this event and will include two parts: a "kind of text book" on VE; and, contributed papers. PRO-VE'99 is sponsored by the ESPRIT project, PRODNET II, under the European Commission's DG XIII.

(Source: CORDIS focus)

For further information, please contact

Prof. Luis M. Camarinha-Matos
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta de Torre
2825 Monte Caparica
Tel. +351-1-2948517
Fax +351-1-2941253
E-mail: cam∂