World Conference on Science Budapest, Hungary, 26 June - 1 July 1999

Veranstaltungen: Seminare / Kongresse / Workshops

World Conference on Science

Budapest, Hungary, 26 June - 1 July 1999

The World Conference on Science, the first global conference on science and society for almost 20 years, will take place in Budapest in June, organised jointly by the United Nations Eduational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation and the International Council for Science.

The conference will be held from 26 June 1999 until 1 July 1999. It will analyse where the natural sciences stand today and where they are heading, what their social impact has been and what society expects from them.

Finally, it will establish what efforts should be invested to make science advance in response to these expectations and to the challenges posed by human and social development.

The conference will address and involve national governments and institutions, educational and research establishments, members of the scientific community, the industrial sector, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as the media and the general public. All stakeholders with a vested interest in science and its role in societal development are welcome as active participants in the conference process, although participation in the conference itself will be by invitation only. A special role is to be played by the financial institutions and specialized agencies of the United Nations system, and those governmental and non-governmental bodies directly concerned with the scientific enterprise.

The conference will be an event at which policy makers, scientists and representatives of society in general can together discuss the above issues and arrive at a means of increasing the commitment to, and from, science.

A set of Web pages has been set up at the following address:

The pages are intended to act as a source of news about preparatory events leading up to the conference and issues related to its agenda, as a forum for comment and criticism from individuals in both industrialized and developing nations about such issues, and as an access point for information about related meetings (including the text of statements to be presented at Budapest).

For further information, please contact

Secretariat, World Conference on Science
7, place de Fontenoy
F-75352 Paris
Fax: + 33-1-45685823
E-mail: confsciDbi5∂unesco org