European Liquid Biofuels Forum
European Liquid Biofuels Forum
Graz, Austria, 22 - 25 September 1996
The second European Liquid Biofuels Forum will take place in Graz, Austria, on 22 - 25 September 1996. The forum is being organized by JOANNEUM RESEARCH at the initiative of the European Commission's specific RTD programme for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the Community (ALTENER).
The first Motor Biofuels European Forum took place in Tours, France, in May 1994. Since then, significant developments have been made in the use of biodiesel in France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Austria, and productions have started in Ireland, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. In addition, bioethanol entered the gasoline markets through the ETBE-line as produced and distributed in France by three companies, while research on production from lignocellulosis progressed in Sweden.
Community policy for the next decade
The present event is designed to offer a forum for the coordination, explanation and display of Community policy concerning liquid biofuels for the next decade. Each area of liquid biofuels policy will be addressed over the three days of the Forum, from raw material to production and marketing.
In particular, a number of technical and non-technical barriers remain to be addressed in the fields of:
- Assured supply of large volumes of cheap raw materials (Blair House limitations);
- Sufficient demonstration of the advantages of complex products in a macro-economic context;
- Enhanced collaborative links with industry;
- Awareness of the advantages of biofuels to policy-makers at the international and the national level.
Sessions will include:
- A progress report on the past two years;
- The production of biofuels: feedstocks and conversion technologies;
- Specificity of biofuels;
- Need for joint industry/government collaboration towards implementation;
- Conclusions and commitments for the future.
The Forum will also include an exhibition of operations being carried out in the area of biofuels and large exhibition spaces may be reserved within the City of Graz itself.
Conference languages will be English, German, French and Italian.
(Source: CORDIS focus)
For further information, please contact
Joanneum Research
Second European Biofuels Forum
Mrs. Doris Florian
Elisabethstraße 11
A-8010 Graz
Tel. + 43 316 876335
Fax: + 43 316 876320
E-mail: biofuelsDcu7∂pbox joanneum ac at