Centre for Science Research and Statistics, Moscow

TA-Institutionen und -Programme

Centre for Science Research and Statistics, Moscow

The "Centre for Science Research and Statistics" was established in 1991 under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and Technological Policy (MSTP) of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of the Sciences. It combined groups of scholars from government research centres and academic institutes specialized in R&D statistics, policy studies, forecasting, and related areas.


The main objectives of the CSRS activities are as follows:

- to develop R&D and innovation statistics in the Russian Federation, to supply policy-makers with comprehensive, up-to-date and internationally comparable data;

- to analyze and forecast trends in S&T;

- to draw recommendations on development and implementation of the national S&T policy;

- to publish and disseminate statistical data, analytical reviews and policy studies to inform Russian and international communities on the national S&T system in Russia.

Research Activities

The CSRS research activities include the following:


The CSRS is officially authorized by the MSTP and the State Committee on Statistics of the Russian Federation as responsible for the methodology of R&D and innovation statistics in Russia. The CSRS develops new indicators of R&D resources (personnel, expenditure, fixed assets), R&D output, innovation, higher education, as well as methods of surveying, in order to adjust Russian R&D and innovation statistics to international standards.

The Centre develops new questionnaires for national R&D and innovation surveys and conducts various ad-hoc surveys.

In order to compare R&D potential of Russia with those of the OECD countries special methods of international comparison of R&D indicators are being developed at the CSRS.

Analysis of R&D and Innovation in Russia

The CSRS provides governmental agencies and scientific community with detailed analysis of R&D and innovation in Russia, covering:

_ S&T labor market

_ R&D fixed assets

_ R&D funding, e.g. government budget
funding of R&D

_ Conversion of defense research

_ Patenting, trade in licenses

_ Development and introduction of new
products and technologies

_ Expenditure on innovations

_ High-tech industries

_ Trends in information sectors and tele

_ Comparative analysis of R&D indicators in Russia and abroad.

Higher Education System

The higher education in Russia is closely related to the S&T system. That is why the CSRS pays attention to the analysis of trends and situation in the higher education system. The Centre's studies cover the infrastructure of higher education institutes, economic mechanisms and financing of higher education, the system of postgraduate training, R&D performed in universities.


The CSRS provides regular sociological studies related to S&T and education in Russia. Special efforts are devoted to monitoring public opinion on S&T. Besides, a lot of case studies are being performed (institutions, money income of researchers, S&T careers, innovation climate, etc.).

S&T and Innovation Policies

Development of national policies in S&T and innovation is one of the most urgent problems for Russia. Among the comprehensive studies provided by the CSRS in this area there are:

_ Macroeconomic background of S&T and innovation policies

_ Recommendations on priorities of the
national S&T policy

_ Institutional framework of R&D and inno

_ R&D financing mechanisms, tax and
credit policies

_ Academy-industry relations

_ Federal research centres, small innova
tion enterprises, technoparks, etc.

_ International S&T co-operation.

Forecasting and Estimations

The CSRS, basing on various methodologies of forecasting (statistical models, input-output tables, expert estimations et al.), provides short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasts of economic situation, R&D indicators, technological changes, priorities of S&T development.


The CSRS provides studies on monitoring and analysis of technological development in Russia. It covers the technological structure of industry with special attention paid to analysis, forecasting and development of mechanisms stimulating high technologies, their impact on the national economy.

Information Policy

The studies of institutional framework and economic mechanisms of information policy in Russia are being performed by the Centre. They are focused on monitoring and evaluation of the current state of information resources (especially S&T information).

Data Bases and Software

The most comprehensive information on R&D and innovation studies, R&D-performing units, ad-hoc studies results is stored in data bases containing large variety of data series. Information is being annually updated and completed.

The CSRS develops original software for data processing and statistical modelling.

The CSRS develops the MSTP telecommunications system "InfoScience" providing remote access to information resources for decision-makers in the S&T sphere in Russia.

International Co-operation

The CSRS has established collaborations with numerous international organizations.


The CSRS annually publishes a wide range of information materials: statistical data books, analytical reviews, case publications, information bulletins, foreign books translated into Russian. Most of the CSRS editions are published both in Russian and in English.

For a list of publications and further information, contact CSRS at the address below.

(Source: CSRS flyer, abridged)

Centre for Science Research and Statistics
11, Tverskaya Street
Moscow 103905, Russia
Tel.: +7-095-229 47 40
E-mail: SokolovXwm2∂statsc msk su