Integrating Behavioural, Economic and Environmental Research Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19 - 20 November 1998

Veranstaltungen Seminare / Kongresse / Workshops

Integrating Behavioural, Economic and Environmental Research

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19 - 20 November 1998

An international conference which will conclude a five-year, multi-disciplinary project on sustainability and environmental quality, coordinated by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 19 and 20 November 1998.

The conference will consider the results of this research in the context of similar research programmes elsewhere, in order to disseminate and discuss the findings and conclusions among a multi-disciplinary audience. The conference programme will introduce the research and its specific aims, and will include plenary sessions in its three sub-programmes: 

Three comprehensive scenarios for sustainable development will also be presented during a plenary session covering: 

(Source: CORDIS focus)

For further information, please contact:

Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Secretariat of ESR
PO Box 93210
2509 AC Den Haag, The Netherlands
Fax: ++ 31-70-3832841
E-mail: esr∂