EU Conference Regions and the Information Society Brussels, Belgium, 30 - 31 January 1997

Nachrichten: Seminare/Kongresse/Veranstaltungen

EU Conference

Regions and the Information Society
Brussels, Belgium, 30 - 31 January 1997

A conference on "Regions and the Information Society" will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on 30 and 31 January 1997. The conference is organized by the European Commission, on the initiative of Mrs. Monika Wulf-Mathies, Commissioner responsible for regional policy, and Mr. Martin Bangemann, Commissioner responsible for industry and telecommunications.

A number of factors, including geographic, social and economic, which disadvantage different regions in their ability to grasp the opportunities offered by the development of the Information Society have been identified. For regions to benefit from the Information Society, policy initiatives involving regions, national governments and the EU need to be taken. From the EU point of view, the Structural Funds are the natural instrument for such initiatives.

The conference is intended to clarify the relationship between the Information Society and regions' economic performance to provide an overview of what the Information Society means in practice and how given regions have implemented it. The conference will also discuss ways for better taking into account the Information Society in policy action, and particularly in the Structural Funds.
(Source: CORDIS focus)

For further information, please contact

European Commission
DG XVI - Regional policy and cohesion
Mr.Nicola De Michelis
Unit A/3
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel.: + 32-2/2955230
E-mail: "Nicola.DE MICHELIS"