Ethical and legal evaluation of drone defense projects in police work
The protection of fundamental rights in public security measures
drone defence, police, civil rights, ethics, technology assessmentAbstract
The increasing use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs/drones) encompasses new potential risks for civil security. While drones can be deployed by amateur pilots for aerial photography, they may also transport dangerous explosives or toxic material. The drone may pose a threat through crashing – either by accident or on purpose. Facing these security threats, public and private institutions react by promoting research and development of drone defense systems for the civil sector. This article aims to evaluate ethical and legal consequences of the application of drone defense systems by the German police. It focuses on the surveillance potential of such systems and the assessment of risks in relation to the protection of fundamental rights and civil liberties.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Jessica Heesen, Susanne Schuster, Clemens Arzt
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.