Guiding motives and storylines of the German energy transition

How to systematically integrate stakeholder positions into energy transformation pathways




energy system transformation, energy scenarios, energy values, stakeholder involvement


Pathways towards sustainable energy transformations are usually premised on model-based scenarios. These scenarios have to incorporate societal dynamics and their interaction with technological, economic, and ecological processes. This also requires the consideration and integration of the stakeholders’ positions into the scenarios. For this purpose, we present two different approaches: the first one identifies the stakeholders’ guiding motives regarding the German energy transition and analyzes how these positions can be realized in technological and economic transformation pathways. In the second approach, storylines are developed in a participatory process with the stakeholders to ensure increased legitimacy and communication of the resulting pathways. For both approaches, we discuss the methodological capture of stakeholder positions and their subsequent integration into energy transformation pathways.


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How to Cite

Schmidt-Scheele R, Bauknecht D, Poganietz W-R, Seebach D, Timpe C, Weimer-Jehle W, Weiss A. Guiding motives and storylines of the German energy transition: How to systematically integrate stakeholder positions into energy transformation pathways. TATuP [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 9 [cited 2024 Dec. 7];28(3):27-33. Available from:

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