The convergence of electricity and digitalization in the Netherlands

Data governance as an emerging policy issue




global warming, digitalization, energy policy, data governance


This paper explores the convergence of electricity and digitalization in the Netherlands. Based on the Advocacy Coalition Framework, we first show how the Paris Agreement on global warming in 2015 has led to a new renewable energy policy paradigm, in which digitalization plays a key enabling role. We will then show that the far-reaching convergence of electricity and digitalization pursued by European and Dutch policy makers will raise new policy issues. The core challenge is adequate energy data governance. Digitalization also raises policy issues in the areas of safety, consumer protection, democratic control, and equal distribution of costs and benefits in a digitized energy system. As the transition to a sustainable energy system must take place rapidly and energy data are expected to play a crucial role in achieving this, these issues are urgent.


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How to Cite

Dekker R, van Est R. The convergence of electricity and digitalization in the Netherlands: Data governance as an emerging policy issue. TATuP [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 17 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];29(2):31-7. Available from: