Designing and experiencing AI systems

Recent trends and developments from a technology assessment perspective




Artificial Intelligence, AI, Machine Learning, Big Data, Technology Assessment


Artificial intelligence (AI) is on everyone’s lips – as well as the associated technologies of machine learning and big data. The enormous dynamics and consequences of these developments become already evident in numerous areas of application in business, society and science. In this context, technology assessment (TA) of AI initially has the task of transforming any excessive public expectations and fears to the factual level. In a second step, TA can provide impulses for the further, desirable design of AI based on reasonable development goals of AI and legitimate societal values. If TA conducts this orientation task close to the technological core, it can consider wide scopes of options for action in the early phases of technology development. Related thoughts are put into concrete terms in this article and will be related to the authors’ contributions to this topical focus.


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Collingridge, David (1982): The Social Control of Technology. London: Pinter.

Gethmann, Carl Friedrich et al. (2021): Künstliche Intelligenz in der Forschung. Neue Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen für die Wissenschaft. Cham: Springer Nature (in Druck).

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How to Cite

Humm BG, Lingner S, Schmidt JC, Wendland K. Designing and experiencing AI systems: Recent trends and developments from a technology assessment perspective. TATuP [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 Sep. 11];30(3):11-6. Available from:

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