Co-benefits as catalysts for sufficiency policy: How citizens justify sufficiency in participation processes




sufficiency, co-benefits, legitimacy, urban development, citizen participation


This article examines what sufficiency-oriented measures citizens would like to see in participation processes at the municipal level and how they justify them. In addition to the ecological impact, numerous co-benefits are identified in the fields of public health, community and participation as well as economic viability. Based on these justification contexts, measures that are often dismissed by opponents as ‘sacrifice’ were also interpreted as gains in quality of life. The article argues that an orientation toward the identified co-benefits may increase the legitimacy of sufficiency measures. The qualitative document analysis is based on documentation from 15 community participation processes of the nationwide competition ‘Zukunftsstadt 2030’ (City of the future 2030), in which municipalities developed concepts for their sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Lage J, Graef M. Co-benefits as catalysts for sufficiency policy: How citizens justify sufficiency in participation processes. TATuP [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 18 [cited 2024 Nov. 15];31(2):48-55. Available from: