Acceptance of artificial intelligence as organizational leadership: A survey
artificial intelligence, leadership, future of work, acceptanceAbstract
In times of digital transformation and in an increasingly fast-paced corporate landscape, there is an increasing debate among company executives as to whether and how artificial intelligence (AI) can take over management tasks or even replace managers as such. This article provides an initial contribution to this discussion by examining the potential user base’s acceptance levels of and expectations for the adoption of AI technology in organizational leadership roles. For this purpose, employees and managers (N = 74) were surveyed in an online questionnaire that presented three hypothetical scenarios in which AI performs certain managerial tasks, featuring different levels of interaction with potential users. An ANOVA analysis showed that the highest acceptance levels among the scenarios were achieved for AI managers that operate as (digital) cognitive assistants, thus giving support to executives in team supervision and providing a data-driven feedback culture.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Deborah Petrat, Ilker Yenice, Lukas Bier, Ilka Subtil
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