Modeling sustainable mobility: Impact assessment of policy measures
analytical sociology, agent-based modeling, policy assessment, transportationAbstract
Sociologically based models of complex systems can help to estimate the impact of policy measures on individuals and explain the resulting system dynamics. Using the example of the Ruhr region and the mobility of the people living there, the article demonstrates the concept of agent-based modeling, which draws on assumptions from analytical sociology and distinguishes between different types of actors. Simulation experiments conducted as part of the InnaMoRuhr project show significant differences in the behavior of these types, especially in their response to policy interventions. Policymakers should take this into account when planning and designing measures aimed at sustainable transformation.
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Published online first 2023-03-23 (version 1)
- 2024-11-08 (2)
- 2023-03-23 (1)
Copyright (c) 2023 Johannes Weyer, Fabian Adelt, Marlon Philipp

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