TA for human security: Aligning security cultures with human security in AI innovation





security cultures, artificial intelligence, digital humanism, fundamental human rights, digital ethics


This research article addresses the growing concerns about digital technologies and artificial intelligence and their impact on human security. It explores the inadequacies of current digital technology regulation in protecting fundamental human rights. The authors present a typology of three “security cultures for digital technology” based on Mary Kaldor’s work on human security, linking international relations and critical security studies with technology assessment (TA). The following cultures are distinguished: dual use, cybersecurity, and TA. The article concludes with a call for collaborative efforts among policy makers, industry, and civil society to prioritize a human-centered approach and global cooperation mechanisms and to strengthen the TA culture in order to address AI innovation without compromising human rights.


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How to Cite

Sinozic-Martinez T, Jahnel J. TA for human security: Aligning security cultures with human security in AI innovation. TATuP [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 28 [cited 2024 Oct. 12];33(2):16-21. Available from: https://www.tatup.de/index.php/tatup/article/view/7115

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