Perception of the risks inherent in new AI technologies


  • Petr Machleidt Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (CZ)
  • Jitka Mráčková Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague (CZ)
  • Karel Mráček Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague (CZ)



artificial intelligence, regulation, ethics, risks, AI Act, education


Artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone rapid development and is becoming one of the major social issues. The advent of generative AI is not only associated with potential benefits but also poses a number of risks, such as increasing malicious misuse. This brings the issue of regulating new AI technologies into focus. In the search for solutions, the article revisits the problem of applying the precautionary principle. We critically evaluate regulatory approaches, particularly with regard to maintaining an innovation-friendly environment. A prudent approach to new AI technologies not only requires regulatory measures but also places new demands on the education system. We also discuss the regulation of AI from the perspective of Czech legislation in a broader international context. Current challenges in the field of AI competence are highlighted. To make the issue more tangible, we provide specific examples from the Czech Republic.


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How to Cite

Perception of the risks inherent in new AI technologies. TATuP [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];33(2):42-8. Available from: