Use case generation, variation, and anticipation in innovation projects: Analysis of current industry practices based on interviews with international innovation experts




innovation, creativity, use case, artificial intelligence, technology


Use case scenarios play an essential role in innovation projects and influence the design of technologies. In this research article, I examine how use cases are generated, varied, and anticipated. To do so, I analyze interviews with international innovation experts (N = 14), e.g., Chief Technology Officer, Innovation Director, or User Experience Researcher. A heterogeneity of practices for the design of use cases, the creation of use case variants, and the anticipation of a possible extension of use cases can be identified. Anti-personas and worst-case scenarios are tools specifically aimed at identifying malicious use cases. A surprising result is the absence of special AI‑based procedures for use case generation, variation, and anticipation, indicating untapped potential for innovation projects.


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How to Cite

Use case generation, variation, and anticipation in innovation projects: Analysis of current industry practices based on interviews with international innovation experts. TATuP [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];33(2):49-54. Available from: