Citizen participation in the long-term process of high-level radioactive waste disposal: Future tasks and adequate forms of participation




participation, high-level radioactive waste, justice, safety, compensation


The central importance of public participation in the search for a repository site for high-level radioactive waste is already recognized both in Germany and in other countries. In this paper, we argue that public participation will have to play a role after site selection as well, especially in the political and sociotechnical decisions in the next stages of the final disposal process. The form of citizen participation should correspond to the specific tasks and follow the principles of safety and justice. In order to show in which cases these principles apply and which form of participation would then be appropriate, we analyze three aspects of participation (co-determination, co-design, and involvement) and look at two cases: the decision on the sealing of the repository and the design of compensations.


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How to Cite

Sierra R, Ott K. Citizen participation in the long-term process of high-level radioactive waste disposal: Future tasks and adequate forms of participation. TATuP [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 16 [cited 2024 Apr. 20];31(3):44-50. Available from: