Goal Conflicts – No Way Around Them

The Case for a Revision of the Integrative Concept of Sustainable Development





sustainability assessment, goal conflicts, weighing goals, rules and principles, sustainability scenarios


The Integrative Concept of Sustainable Development is amongst the most prominent attempts in German-speaking countries to operationalise the notion of sustainability. Since its development around the turn of the millennium it has been applied in numerous projects with a considerable impact. However, a critical analysis and revision of the concept  is still pending – but would be necessary, not least in view of the  arising application problems. This paper aims at contributing to this  concern. I appears that the analyses of the Integrative Concept can also give new impulses to the sustainability debate in general as well as to  the question of dealing with goal conflicts in particular. Most notably, the concept of sustainable development needs to be operationalised  using satisficing norms which cannot be weighed up: Only these norms can guide the development of measures effective enough the realise a sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Dusseldorp M. Goal Conflicts – No Way Around Them: The Case for a Revision of the Integrative Concept of Sustainable Development. TATuP [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 13 [cited 2024 Apr. 18];27(2):61-7. Available from: https://www.tatup.de/index.php/tatup/article/view/134