New TATuP issue: "Material transitions in architecture and construction: Social implications, appropriation, and outcomes for sustainability"
Conditions, consequences and practices of sustainable materials
Aims and Scope
TATuP – Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice is peer reviewed and diamond open access, both online and in print. The journal sections with different article types cover the interdisciplinary field of technology assessment (TA). Its scope includes scientific research and practical as well as problem oriented findings from the interstices between technological innovation, social change and policy advice. Neighboring and overlapping fields of research are, inter alia, systems analysis, risk assessment, practical ethics, sustainability and innovation studies, science and technology studies or foresight.
TATuP aims to create public outreach by addressing research findings and policy recommendations to transdisciplinary stakeholders. The concise form of peer-reviewed articles as well as the journal’s open access policy, web design, and print layout are fitted to this purpose.
Editorial materials in the journal cater primarily to members of the Network Technology Assessment as well as the wider TA community.
Geographic focus: The journal has a regional focus on Western Europe, particularly Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where technology assessment is a widespread approach to study dynamic relations between technological innovation and social change, including policy advice.
Technology assessment is also practiced in other countries, like the USA, and is gaining relevance in countries of the Global South. Since technological innovation and social change evolve in complex global constellations the journal also addresses international authors and readers.
Authors: TATuP addresses authors who seek to publish original research articles, book reviews, meeting reports, or any other content that fits into the journal's thematic profile and sections.
Languages: Articles are published in either German or English language, all research articles include English-language abstracts.
Readers: With its inter- and transdisciplinary profile TATuP addresses readers from science, politics, business as well as practitioners concerned with technology assessment or socio-technical technology development. With its regional focus, the journal offers insights for international readers into research findings and discourses of technology assessment in some of the core countries of technological development.
Ownership: TATuP is owned, funded, managed, and edited by the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), the world’s largest institution for technology assessment located at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Revenue sources: TATuP is financed by ITAS from its basic funds provided by the Program-Oriented Funding of the Helmholtz Association. Neither author processing charges (APCs) nor subscription fees apply (diamond open access).
Advertising: The institutional owner (ITAS) and the publishing house (oekom) decide together whether and which advertisements will be published in the journal. Advertisements are limited to a maximum of four pages in print per issue. By no means will advertisements influence journal content or editorial decision making. All advertisements will be kept separate from published content and will be clearly marked.
Publication Schedule: TATuP is published at regular intervals three times a year in printed and electronic form.
Journal history: TATuP has been published continuously since 1992:
ISSN: 2568-020X (Print), 2567-8833 (Online)
Copyright notice and licencing information: TATuP is an open access journal. If not otherwise indicated, all articles are published under the Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0. According to this CC license, TATuP contributions may be reprinted or otherwise distributed as long as the authors are credited and the complete bibliographical data are cited. Authors agree to publish their articles under the Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0 by giving their approval for publication in TATuP.
Full copyright as well as all other exploitation rights remain with the authors.
Data protection notice: Personal data entered on this website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Conditions, consequences and practices of sustainable materials
TATuP Special topic, issue 34/3 (2025)
Submit your Abstract by 10 January 2025.
How can technology assessment help prevent the misuse of technology to promote radicalization and terrorist violence? The current TATuP Special topic seeks to put issues of malevolent creativity and civil security on the TA map.
TATuP – Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice | ISSN 2568-020X | eISSN 2567-8833
Articles in TATuP are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license CC BY 4.0.