Checklist for Submissions

Authors check manuscripts before submission according to the following criteria

  • The manuscript submitted for publication in TATuP - Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice has not been published before, nor is it taking part in another publication process at the time of submission to TATuP.
  • All authors have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the submitted study, or the research paper.
  • All authors have considered the author guidelines, the journal's Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement and the editorial processes.
  • The editorial office communicates only with the corresponding author who submitted the article.
  • Corresponding authors have submitted the author submission form together with the manuscript.
  • Corresponding authors have used the appropriate TATuP Word template from the website's download section, have duly filled in all the appropriate sections and have kept to the indicated maximum length for manuscripts (character count covers the entire document with all its components, including blanks).
  • Corresponding authors have added a list of literature cited in the text. In order to adhere to TATuP citation style, corresponding authors may use the TATuP citation style listed in Citavi, Endnote and Zotero.
  • Corresponding authors have placed all illustrations, figures, and tables appropriately placed within the manuscript, including caption and source.
  • Corresponding authors have submitted any illustration and figures as an individual data file and in a format that allows to edit the elements of the illustration and figures (e. g. colors, font styles and sizes etc.).
  • Corresponding authors have edited any tables in the TATuP Word template with the appropriate function in MS Word. Tables have not been added to the TATuP Word template as graphic or image files.
  • Corresponding authors have added to the manuscript the sources of financial support for their research, if applicable.
  • Corresponding authors have submitted their author portrait photo in print quality as a separate data file. If authors do not wish to have their author portrait published they have communicated this accordingly.
  • In the event of errors noted after publication, corresponding authors are obliged to provide corrections, which will be published as errata.
  • In the event of fundamental violations of the journal's publication ethics (see Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement), corresponding authors are obliged to consent to the retraction of their article.