Call for Abstracts: "Energy sufficiency. Modelling and scenarios for less energy consumption"


Please read the complete CfA (PDF)

Guest editors of this TATuP special topic

Benjamin Best (Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie), Frauke Wiese (Europa Universität Flensburg), Michaela Christ (Europa Universität Flensburg), Tilman Santarius (TU Berlin and Einstein Centre Digital Futures)

Editorial Process Outline

30 September 2021: deadline for submitting your abstract
October 2021: Special Topic Editors’ decision on inviting authors to submit a full manuscript
January 2022: deadline for submitting your full manuscript, followed by non-blind review
Mid-March 2022: feedback from the reviewers, followed by authors’ revisions by mid-April
April 2022: feedback on revisions
Mid-May 2022: editorial deadline (end of revision period)
July 2022: publication (print and online)

TATuP - Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice is the international and peer reviewed open access journal for the interdisciplinary field of technology assessment and neighboring fields of research.