Intergenerational justice starts now: Recognizing future generations in nuclear waste management




nuclear waste, justice, repository, environmental justice, representatives


Intergenerational justice is an inherent component of nuclear waste management. By looking at challenges of intergenerational justice at various stages of the repository siting process, the following thesis is discussed: Current generations can anticipate notions of intergenerational justice by applying high procedural standards to enable equitable distribution between generations and thus adequately recognize the needs of future generations. Applying high standards in this context means a constantly critical, reflexive, and open process, without bias or selfishness. This requires representative bodies such as the German Council of the Young Generation (‘Rat der jungen Generation’) that act as a bridge to future generations.


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How to Cite

Schwarz L. Intergenerational justice starts now: Recognizing future generations in nuclear waste management. TATuP [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 9];31(3):37-43. Available from: