How to deal with non-linear pathways towards energy futures
Concept and application of the cross-impact balance analysis
energy scenarios, dynamics, cross-impact balance analysisAbstract
Energy scenarios currently in use for policy advice are based on a number of simplifying assumptions. This includes, in particular, the linear extrapolation of trends. However, this approach ignores the fact that central variables were highly dynamic in the past. For an assessment of energy futures and the specification of measures, novel approaches are necessary which can implement non-linear trends. In this paper, we show how cross-impact balance (CIB) analysis can be applied to map dynamic trends. Using a small CIB model, we highlight the need for novel approaches in the creation and evaluation of energy futures and the possible contribution of CIB analysis.References
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Copyright (c) 2019 Stefan Vögele, Witold-Roger Poganietz and Philip Mayer

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