Open, responsible, and responsibly open

On the relationship between RRI and Open Science




open science, responsible innovation, open access, research policy


Both Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation aim to initiate profound transformations of innovation systems by increased integration of societal actors in research and development. Despite this common ground, the relationship between both concepts so far has not been addressed and mutually analyzed. This contribution offers a first approach to discussing both overlaps and differences concerning the discursive origins of both meta-concepts, their respective challenges and aims as well as their agents and the role of society. We derive implications and highlight the potential of integrating the two concepts. The article concludes with an outlook on implications for further research.


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How to Cite

Häußermann JJ, Heidingsfelder M. Open, responsible, and responsibly open: On the relationship between RRI and Open Science. TATuP [Internet]. 2017 Aug. 15 [cited 2024 Apr. 29];26(1-2):31-6. Available from: