Care, therapy, or sex robots?
Results of a scenario study on the use of social robots
social robotics, care, robots, sex robots, scenarioAbstract
Despite the expectation that it will solve many societal problems, there are reservations about social robotics. This discrepancy raises the question of what kind of social robotics is desired by society and what factors contribute to this assessment. Our investigation approaches these questions using the method of group discussion, which we structure by explorative scenarios. In this paper, we present four scenarios: robots for elderly care, child care, psychological counselling, and sex robots. The result of the investigation is that the overall acceptance of social robots is comparatively high. However, if robotic competencies question the core of human self-description or the distinction between humans and robots threatens to disappear, they are rejected. Therefore, it seems advisable to avoid imitation of humans when developing robots.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Philipp Graf, Arne Maibaum and Diego Compagna

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