Citizen science approaches in medical and health research
Selected terms with focus on the degree of participation
citizen science, participation, medical and health research, terminologyAbstract
In citizen science, a variety of research approaches and methods exist. While these are well established in many scientific disciplines, there are apparently relatively few of them in medical and health research. However, a glance at practice shows that citizen science approaches are indeed practiced in medical and health research, but often under different names. The paper therefore provides a (selective) overview of these terms, reflects on them and the methods behind them, and discusses them comparatively from an interdisciplinary perspective. The focus is on the degree of active participation of citizens and patients in research.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2021 Gertrud Hammel, Silvia Woll, Martina Baumann, Constanze Scherz, Maria Maia, Birgit Behrisch, Sandra Olivia Borgmann, Michael Eichinger, Johanna Gardecki, Nils B. Heyen, Andrea Icks, Monika Pobiruchin, Sarah Weschke
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.