Participatory sensing and wearable technologies as tools to support citizen and open science
Technical and organizational challenges and possible solutions
participatory sensing, wearable technology, citizen science, open scienceAbstract
If citizens actively participate in the process of collecting empirical data, as a key element of empirically oriented scientific projects, this can be seen as a contribution to an open and citizen-oriented science. Such participation can be supported by providing technical tools. The paper therefore presents examples of participatory sensing as the provision of affordable sensors for measuring environmental parameters as well as wearable technologies for recording quantified vital data and physiological states. Conceptually, the provision of data collected with these tools can be understood as a commons – with all opportunities and risks associated with such goods. After describing examples of participatory sensing and wearable technologies, the authors identify potential challenges and outline technical and organizational approaches to solve them.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Karsten Weber, Nadine Kleine, Frank Pallas, Max-R. Ulbricht

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